Resumes 101

When I was in high school, if you had asked me what I thought my future skill sets might include “resume review” would never have...
When I was young I kept a blog. Those posts are now long lost to time. I am certain though that today I would consider them cringe and unreadable. For years I have talked about getting back into it with friends. I've kept a repository of half baked ideas and half written posts for a very very long time. I have a large backlog of content to sift through and concepts flesh out. It's been well over 10 years.
Why blog though? What's the point? For me I don't think there is strong, obvious point. I'd like to argue its because I have profound new ideas, or that I have expertise I can share. Maybe in some places that's true, but I am fooling myself if I claim that's really the reason I write blog posts. The real reason is that its for me to express myself to myself. It's for me to take an idea that's brewing in my head and expand on it in a way I think others might understand. Writing out ideas forces them to be exist on a different level and knowing that, potentially, other people can read them and respond to them forces me to ensure they are well thought out and well researched. It forces me to be better.
Another reason is that I love the internet and I want my own little corner of it. I know these days it gets a bad wrap. It's the cause of a lot of problems, especially in the more "mainstream" areas, but that is not the whole internet. The point of the internet though is that its open and, for the most part, anyone can do anything, make anything, say anything. There are thousands of small niche communities carved out where people share and develop ideas. From programming, to beekeeping, to niche TV shows canceled in the 70s, there is a place for everyone to talk about everything. I think that is amazing. The internet connects people it brings us together. People have gotten married because they met in Halo 3 lobbies, critical medical research has been compiled and collaborated on, long lost friends have found each other again, amazing stories have been shared. Is anything like that going to happen on my blog? No.
My blog is a shout into the void. If everything goes well my friends and colleagues will read it and that's probably it. To me that's perfect. The internet is a deep void there is so much out there and so little time to sift through it all. If you've managed to stumble upon this blog and you don't already know me, welcome, and I hope you enjoy what you read.
Below is a map of routing paths from the internet. It's old, probably from 2011ish, but it makes it clear just how large this void is.